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Home >> Get Involved >> Dress Down Day for Dysautonomia Awareness

Dress Down Day for Dysautonomia Awareness

Hosting a "Dress Down Day for Dysautonomia Awareness" at your office or school is a great way to raise awareness about dysautonomia and help raise funds for research on autonomic disorders. Dress down days are always popular in schools that require uniforms and in offices where formal business attire is the norm.

All you have to do is get permission from the person in charge, pick a date (casual Fridays are popular), announce your Dress Down Day, collect the funds, and when the event is over, send your donation to Dysautonomia International. We will provide a thank you letter so your school or office knows we appreciate their contribution.

You'll want to hang up flyers at the office or school:
"Dress Down Day for Dysautonomia Research" office flyer
"Dress Down Day for Dysautonomia Research" school flyer

If you want to hand out some written materials related to dysautonomia, check out our Printed Materials page. Another idea is to make turquoise awareness ribbons and give them out to people who participate in your dress down day.

Please complete this Donation Form and mail it in with your donation. Checks can be made payable to "Dysautonomia International" and mailed with a copy of the Donation Form to:
Dysautonomia International
PO Box 596
East Moriches, NY 11940

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at fundraising@dysautonomiainternational.org.

Thanks for your support!


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